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Hypnotherapy, Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI), and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Trauma Informed Coaching. Neuroscience for Mental Health,  Works to resolves symptoms of PTSD, trauma, anxiety, procrastination, shame, guilt, and an unfulfilled life. Trauma Desensitization and Reprocessing

Harness the Neuroscience of Transformation & Well-Being

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Imagine a therapeutic approach where you don’t have to talk about the details of what happened get same-day results.


Transform your thoughts and feel differently about a past situation in just one session with Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI).

Imagine an integrative approach to clinical hypnotherapy where you get to the root of any particular issue, behavior, or challenge in your life—far beyond the stories you tell yourself—lifting the weight of years, even generations, of deep-seated wounds.


Heal your inner world, transform your life: Experience your brain's power with Clinical Hypnotherapy.

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Hypnotherapy, IFS, MEMI

Philosophy: Six Core Values

We are deeply committed to the belief that every individual has an inherent capacity for healing, growth, and transformation. This value is the cornerstone of our practice, affirming the natural resilience and adaptability of our human psyche.

We utilize an integrative model that combines Clinical Hypnotherapy, Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI), and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Trauma-Informed Coaching. This value reflects our dedication to offering a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to mental and emotional well-being.

We recognize that trauma can lead to internal conflicts and emotional imbalances. Our techniques aim to reintegrate these isolated "parts" of the psyche, fostering a state of internal harmony and emotional resilience. This value embodies our commitment to holistic healing.

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Clinical hypnotherapy is a transformative journey into the depths of the subconscious mind, offering a bridge to the innermost realms of self-awareness and healing. This powerful therapeutic technique harnesses the state of hypnosis—a focused, attentive, and highly suggestible state—to facilitate profound changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


It is a journey guided by compassion, where the gentle ebb and flow of the hypnotic state can unlock the doors to lasting change.

At the heart of clinical hypnotherapy lies the belief in the innate ability of individuals to access their inner resources for growth, healing, and transformation. Through this deeply relaxing and therapeutic process, clients are guided to visualize success, overcome obstacles, and transform negative patterns. It's a sanctuary where the noise of the external world fades away, allowing for a dialogue with the self that is often drowned out by the hustle of everyday life.


Our practice is grounded in the latest research and methodologies, ensuring a safe, respectful, and confidential environment. Whether you're seeking to manage stress, alleviate anxiety, break free from phobias, improve sleep, or enhance overall well-being, clinical hypnotherapy offers a tailored approach that respects your unique journey towards healing.



Multichannel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) is a cutting-edge therapeutic approach, developed by Mike Deninger, PhD, rooted in neuroscience and NLP, targeting key neural structures like the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. By guiding eye movements with verbal cues, MEMI desensitizes emotionally charged memories, inducing neuroplasticity to reorganize synaptic connections and foster healthier emotional responses.


Symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, trauma, phobias, addictive cravings, and compulsive behaviors have been shown to respond effectively to MEMI treatment. The guided eye movements in MEMI simulate REM sleep, a stage vital for both memory consolidation and emotional regulation. This leads to a significant and lasting reduction in symptom severity, providing relief for conditions that are often resistant to traditional therapies.


The MEMI method combines phased assessment, intervention, and evaluation to achieve symptom relief. The process evolves in complexity, promoting a quasi-hypnotic state conducive to memory reorganization while enhancing emotional resilience. Experience the transformative power of MEMI, as it navigates the neural pathways of your emotional well-being.



Internal Family Systems (IFS) & Trauma-Informed Coaching is a specialized approach that synergizes the transformative concepts of IFS therapy, developed by Richard Schwartz Ph.D., with the neuroscience-backed principles of clinical trauma treatment. 


This coaching methodology understands that we all carry an array of internal "parts" or subpersonalities. These parts may become burdened by past experiences, including trauma. IFS operates on the belief that by understanding and unburdening these parts, we can achieve internal harmony, self-healing, and personal growth. It also emphasizes the cultivation of a compassionate, confident core Self that acts as the leader of your internal world. Simultaneously, it incorporates the trauma-informed principles of recognizing trauma's widespread systemic impact, understanding paths for recovery, and creating a safe, empowering environment for clients.


With IFS Trauma-Informed Coaching, you will build a deeper self-understanding, better cope with life's challenges, and enhance your relationships. By carefully navigating through difficult past events, and promoting healing, this coaching approach facilitates resilience and recovery, fostering self-awareness and personal transformation. Embark on this transformative journey to unburden your internal parts, heal from past trauma, and elevate your life experience.

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